Bulk connect with sub-tasks sync

Originally asked by Patrick Tran on 16 December 2021 (original question)


I am trying to use Bulk Connects to sync a user story and its sub tasks from Jira Cloud to Azure DevOps, my csv file as below

TES-20,80609 (user story - user story)
TES-23,80610 (sub-task - task)

Problem is that sub-task TES-23 is synced with a new created task, not 80610 as expected in csv file.

I think it is caused by this script below, I am using it to sync sub-tasks (https://docs.idalko.com/exalate/display/ED/How+to+synchronize+tasks+and+subtasks)

Jira Outgoing sync

// Automatically sync all subtasks when syncing parent task
def subTaskKey =``new com.exalate.basic.domain.BasicIssueKey([it.id](http://it.id), it.key)

Do you have any suggestion to make it work as expected in this case?



Answer by Patrick Tran on 17 December 2021

That requires us to edit script each time using bulk connect.

Can we know if bulk connect is running? so we can have a check like this


// syn tasks


Answer by Francis Martens (Exalate) on 17 December 2021

Can you disable this logic during the bulk connect?