Hello we are testing the plugin before buying. We have a case when we want to move information about assignee and reported to text custom fields on other side (to avoid the need of creating users). The problem is that after I added the customfields on JIRA1 when I try to change the mapping I got a blank page after publishing. On JIRA2 I cannot see the new field. I tried creating new account - the same. Is there any option to force synchronization of fields? Am I doing something wrong?

Kind regards

  1. Ariel Aguilar

    Hi Chris,

    You can do something like:


    replica.reporter = issue.reporter
    replica.assignee = issue.assignee


    issue.customFields."Assignee".value = replica.assignee?.displayName
    issue.customFields."Reporter".value = replica.reporter?.username

    Kind regards,


  2. Daniel Carvajal

    Hi Krzysztof

    The method to do this is best described here: https://docs.idalko.com/exalate/x/TwR1Aw

    In case of the reporter it would be the same approach, just making sure

    "replica.reporter = issue.reporter" Is being sent in the outgoing script and adjust the incoming script to:


     issue.customFields."Your custom field name".value = replica.reporter?.email

    Hope this is helpful.



  3. Krzysztof Bartosiewicz

    Hi - does it mean that it is not possible to use graphical matching once a new custom field is introduced?

  4. Ariel Aguilar

    Hi Krzysztof Bartosiewicz

    If you encounter a limitation using a Visual Connection, you might need to add a script to make proper mapping as stated here: https://docs.idalko.com/exalate/x/ogXHAw

    Then, for advanced mappings we recommend to start the connection using the script based connection.

    Kind regards,


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