
Hello all,

The scene:

You have set up a succesful integration between Jira and Azure Devops. You want to integrate Sprints aswell. In Jira (any deployment), the sprints already exist, but in Azure Devops, it could be that the sprints don't exist yet.

Here is where Exalate can help you out. With the use of Exalate, we can create the new sprints in Azure Devops.

The first thing we need to do is to send out all the information about a Sprint from the Jira outgoing side.

If we have a look at the data that will be sent out to Azure Devops, this is how it looks:

If we add this line of code in the Outgoing Sync in Jira;

replica.customFields."Sprint" = issue.customFields."Sprint"

"customFields": {
      "Sprint": {
        "id": 10104,
        "name": "Sprint",
        "uid": "10104",
        "description": "Jira Software sprint field",
        "type": "SPRINTS",
        "value": [
            "id": "2",
            "state": "FUTURE",
            "name": "SprintTwo",
            "originBoardId": "7",
            "startDate": 1697476800000,
            "endDate": 1698686400000,
            "sequence": 2,
            "goal": "This sprint does not exist yet in ADO",
            "eventTriggerContext": {}

Exalate will use this information to create a Sprint in Azure Devops.

In Azure Devops we need to add this code to the incoming sync.

Please be mindful that you need to change the projectKey after implementing following code;

   // Set type name from source entity, if not found set a default
   workItem.projectKey  =  "Mathieu"
      def typeMap = [
       "Epic" : "Epic",
       "Story" : "User Story"
    workItem.typeName = nodeHelper.getIssueType(typeMap[replica.type?.name],workItem.projectKey)?.name ?: "Task"
    workItem.summary      = replica.summary

if(workItem.typeName == "Task"){
workItem.summary      = replica.summary
workItem.description  = replica.description
workItem.attachments  = attachmentHelper.mergeAttachments(workItem, replica)
workItem.comments     = commentHelper.mergeComments(workItem, replica)
workItem.labels       = replica.labels
workItem.priority     = replica.priority

def getCurrentSprint = { -> replica."Sprint".find {!it.state.equalsIgnoreCase("CLOSED")} }

if (replica.customFields."Sprint"?.value != null && !replica.customFields."Sprint"?.value?.empty && getCurrentSprint() != null) {
  def project = connection.trackerSettings.fieldValues."project"   
  def area = workItem.areaPath ?: workItem.project?.key ?: project
  def sprint = getCurrentSprint()
  def iteration =
  def iterationPath = area + "\\" + iteration
  if (iterationPath != workItem.iterationPath) {
      def adoClient = new AdoClient(httpClient, nodeHelper, debug)
      def encode = {
    str ->
    if (!str) str
    else, java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString())
        def projectName = workItem.project?.key ?: workItem.projectKey
      def existingIterations = adoClient
  .http (
      ["api-version":["5.0"], "\$depth":["1"]],
    ) { res ->
      if(res.code >= 400) debug.error("Failed to GET /${encode(projectName)}/_apis/work/teamsettings/iterations?api-version=7.1-preview.1 RESPONSE: ${res.code} ${res.body}")
      else (new groovy.json.JsonSlurper()).parseText(res.body)

      if (! {it.equalsIgnoreCase(}) {
          //if we need to create iterations
          def await = { f -> scala.concurrent.Await$.MODULE$.result(f, scala.concurrent.duration.Duration.apply(1, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES)) }
          def creds = await(httpClient.azureClient.getCredentials())
          def token = creds.accessToken()
          def baseUrl = creds.issueTrackerUrl()
          def dateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'")
          def createIterationBody = []
          def attributes = null
          if(sprint.startDate) {
              def sd = dateFormat.format(sprint.startDate)
              attributes = ["startDate":sd]
          if(sprint.endDate) {
              def ed = dateFormat.format(sprint.endDate)
              attributes = attributes ?: [:]
              attributes."finishDate" = ed
          if(attributes != null) {
              createIterationBody."attributes" = attributes
                   def remoteIterationName =
          def iterationId = adoClient    
      .http (
        groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(["name": remoteIterationName]),
        ["Accept":["application/json"], "Content-Type":["application/json"]]
      ) { res ->
      if(res.code >= 400) debug.error("POST ${encode(projectName)}/_apis/wit/classificationnodes/Iterations?api-version=5.0 failed: ${res.code} ${res.body}")
      else (new groovy.json.JsonSlurper()).parseText(res.body)
    //and associate it with the team
      .http (
        groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(["id": iterationId]),
        ["Accept":["application/json"], "Content-Type":["application/json"]]
      ) { res ->
      if(res.code >= 400) debug.error("POST ${encode(projectName)}/_apis/work/teamsettings/iterations failed: ${res.code} ${res.body}")
      else (new groovy.json.JsonSlurper()).parseText(res.body)
      workItem.iterationPath = iterationPath


class AdoClient {
    private static <T> T await(scala.concurrent.Future<T> f) {
        scala.concurrent.Await$.MODULE$.result(f, scala.concurrent.duration.Duration$.MODULE$.Inf())
    private static <T> T orNull(scala.Option<T> opt) { opt.isDefined() ? opt.get() : null }
    private static <T> scala.Option<T> none() { scala.Option$.MODULE$.<T> empty() }
    private static <T> scala.Option<T> none(Class<T> evidence) { scala.Option$.MODULE$.<T> empty() }
    private static <L, R> scala.Tuple2<L, R> pair(L l, R r) { scala.Tuple2$.MODULE$.<L, R> apply(l, r) }
    private static def getGeneralSettings() {
        def gsOptFuture = nodeHelper.azureClient.generalSettingsService.get()
        def gsOpt = await(gsOptFuture)
        def gs = orNull(gsOpt)
    private static String getIssueTrackerUrl() {
        final def gs = getGeneralSettings()
        def removeTailingSlash = { String str -> str.trim().replace("/+\$", "") }
        final def issueTrackerUrl = removeTailingSlash(gs.issueTrackerUrl)
    private httpClient
    private static nodeHelper
    private debug
    def parseQueryString = { String string ->
        string.split('&').collectEntries { param ->
            param.split('=', 2).collect { URLDecoder.decode(it, 'UTF-8') }
    //Usage examples:
    def parseUri
        parseUri = { String uri ->
            def parsedUri
            try {
                parsedUri = new URI(uri)
                if (parsedUri.scheme == 'mailto') {
                    def schemeSpecificPartList = parsedUri.schemeSpecificPart.split('\\?', 2)
                    def tempMailMap = parseQueryString(schemeSpecificPartList[1])
                    parsedUri.metaClass.mailMap = [
                            recipient: schemeSpecificPartList[0],
                            cc       : tempMailMap.find { it.key.toLowerCase() == 'cc' }.value,
                            bcc      : tempMailMap.find { it.key.toLowerCase() == 'bcc' }.value,
                            subject  : tempMailMap.find { it.key.toLowerCase() == 'subject' }.value,
                            body     : tempMailMap.find { it.key.toLowerCase() == 'body' }.value
                if (parsedUri.fragment?.contains('?')) { // handle both fragment and query string
                    parsedUri.metaClass.rawQuery = parsedUri.rawFragment.split('\\?')[1]
                    parsedUri.metaClass.query = parsedUri.fragment.split('\\?')[1]
                    parsedUri.metaClass.rawFragment = parsedUri.rawFragment.split('\\?')[0]
                    parsedUri.metaClass.fragment = parsedUri.fragment.split('\\?')[0]
                if (parsedUri.rawQuery) {
                    parsedUri.metaClass.queryMap = parseQueryString(parsedUri.rawQuery)
                } else {
                    parsedUri.metaClass.queryMap = null
                if (parsedUri.queryMap) {
                    parsedUri.queryMap.keySet().each { key ->
                        def value = parsedUri.queryMap[key]
                        if (value.startsWith('http') || value.startsWith('/')) {
                            parsedUri.queryMap[key] = parseUri(value)
            } catch (e) {
                throw new com.exalate.api.exception.IssueTrackerException("Parsing of URI failed: $uri $e ", e)
    AdoClient(httpClient, nodeHelper, debug) {
        this.httpClient = httpClient
        this.nodeHelper = nodeHelper
        this.debug = debug
    String http(String method, String path, java.util.Map<String, List<String>> queryParams, String body, java.util.Map<String, List<String>> headers) {
        http(method, path, queryParams, body, headers) { Response response ->
            if (response.code >= 300) {
                throw new com.exalate.api.exception.IssueTrackerException(
                        """Failed to perform the request $method $path (status ${response.code}),
and body was: ```$body```
Please contact Exalate Support: """.toString() + response.body
            response.body as String
    public <R> R http(String method, String path, java.util.Map<String, List<String>> queryParams, String body, java.util.Map<String, List<String>> headers, Closure<R> transformResponseFn) {
        def gs = getGeneralSettings()
        def unsanitizedUrl = issueTrackerUrl + path
        def parsedUri = parseUri(unsanitizedUrl)
        def embeddedQueryParams = parsedUri.queryMap
        def allQueryParams = embeddedQueryParams instanceof java.util.Map ?
                    def m = [:] as java.util.Map<String, List<String>>;
                    m.putAll(embeddedQueryParams as java.util.Map<String, List<String>>)
                : (queryParams ?: [:] as java.util.Map<String, List<String>>)
        def urlWithoutQueryParams = { String url ->
            URI uri = new URI(url)
            new URI(uri.getScheme(),
                    uri.getUserInfo(), uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(),
                    null, // Ignore the query part of the input url
        def sanitizedUrl = urlWithoutQueryParams(unsanitizedUrl)
        //debug.error("#debug ${sanitizedUrl}")
        def response
        try {
            def request = ({ 
                try { httpClient.azureClient } 
                catch (e) { httpClient.issueTrackerClient }  
            if (!allQueryParams.isEmpty()) {
                def scalaQueryParams = scala.collection.JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer(
                                .inject([] as List<scala.Tuple2<String, String>>) { List<scala.Tuple2<String, String>> result, kv ->
                                    kv.value.each { v -> result.add(pair(kv.key, v) as scala.Tuple2<String, String>) }
                request = request.withQueryString(scalaQueryParams)
            if (headers != null && !headers.isEmpty()) {
                def scalaHeaders = scala.collection.JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer(
                                .inject([] as List<scala.Tuple2<String, String>>) { List<scala.Tuple2<String, String>> result, kv ->
                                    kv.value.each { v -> result.add(pair(kv.key, v) as scala.Tuple2<String, String>) }
                request = request.withHeaders(scalaHeaders)
            if (body != null) {
                def writable =$.MODULE$.writeableOf_String()
                request = request.withBody(body, writable)
            def credentials = await(httpClient.azureClient.credentials)
            def token = credentials.accessToken
            request = request.withAuth(token, token,$BASIC$.MODULE$)
            response = await(request.execute())
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new com.exalate.api.exception.IssueTrackerException(
                    """Unable to perform the request $method $path with body:```$body```,
please contact Exalate Support: """.toString() + e.message,
        java.util.Map<String, List<String>> javaMap = [:]
        for (scala.Tuple2<String, scala.collection.Seq<String>> headerTuple : scala.collection.JavaConverters.bufferAsJavaListConverter(response.allHeaders().toBuffer()).asJava()) {
            def javaList = []
            javaMap[headerTuple._1()] = javaList
        def javaResponse = new Response(response.body(), new Integer(response.status()), javaMap)
        return transformResponseFn(javaResponse)
    public static class Response {
        final String body
        final Integer code
        final java.util.Map<String, List<String>> headers
        Response(String body, Integer code, java.util.Map<String, List<String>> headers) {
            this.body = body
            this.code = code
            this.headers = headers

Here is a video;

Thank you and happy exalating.
