
You are utilizing Exalate to integrate Jira, aiming to avoid syncing internal comments, but you've encountered an issue where attachments added to these comments are still being synced.

This unintended behavior occurs because the official Jira API lacks a specific field to differentiate public and private comments, leading to undesired attachment synchronization.

However, Exalate offers a solution by allowing data manipulation.

In the video provided, I demonstrate how to iterate through the sent data, modify fields, and create a seamless integration tailored to our use-case. You can access the code and the instructional video below to optimize the integration further.

replica.attachments = issue.attachments.each {
  attachment ->

    issue.comments.each {
      comment ->
        if (comment.body.contains(attachment.filename))
          attachment.internal = comment.internal

replica.comments = issue.comments.findAll {
replica.attachments = issue.attachments.findAll {


Thank you.

Kind regards,
Mathieu Lepoutre