This is a very common use case encountered by Support and Development teams. If the support team receive a ticket and decide to report it

to Development as a bug, then all subsequent reports of this same issue (by different customers probably) should continue to be linked to

this same Development bug. 

The use case will cover the following:

  1. Support receives the first report of the issue and Exalates it to development via a macro. 
  2. Development starts working the bug
  3. Any subsequent support tickets received for similar bug are Exalated to the same development bug (instead of creating multiple issues)
  4. All support tickets are automatically set to On-hold once they are Exalated (assuming that support does not need to work on it for now)
  5. Any comments added by developers will be reflected as internal notes in Zendesk 
  6. Once the development ticket is finalized and marked as Done,
    all related ZD tickets will get an update informing them of this and all Zendesk ticket status will go back to Open

The following depicts this:

Configuration required for this use case:

The full Jira Incoming script can be downloaded here

Following is a brief presentation of this use case in action: